Free Resources for Our Professional Partners

Program and Educational Materials
To help maternal and child health care providers improve the health of pregnant individuals and families in South Jersey, The Cooperative offers program and educational materials free of charge. These materials cover important health issues such as quitting tobacco, lead poisoning prevention, postpartum wellness and more.

Maternal and Child Health Resource Directory
The Maternal and Child Health Resource Directory is a project of The Cooperative’s Education Committee to facilitate awareness of and access to the rich array of subject matter expertise available in the region. This free tool makes it easy to find the right speaker for your maternal and child health needs.
The Cooperative is proud to offer a variety of the region's most influential and prestigious guest speakers who are available to provide trainings, presentations, insight and information to your group.
To submit your information for possible inclusion in the directory, click here.
Maternal and Child Health Data
Since 1984, The Cooperative has collected perinatal data in South Jersey to identify emerging issues, unmet needs and trends. Each year, this data is analyzed and the findings presented in our annual publication Achievement: Regional Collaborative Database. Among the issues being monitored are Birth Weight, Maternal Age, Entry to Prenatal Care, Plurality, Neonatal and Fetal Mortality, Breastfeeding Rates and Cesarean Birth Rate.
An excellent source of local perinatal data, NJSHAD (State Health Assessment Data) is a query module for birth data derived from the New Jersey Birth Certificate database. Click here to access system.
NJ PRAMS (Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System) is a joint project of the New Jersey Department of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Information from PRAMS is used to help plan better health programs for New Jersey mothers and infants.
Racial Perception and Adverse Birth Outcomes
Racial discrimination and racism are chronic stressors and may also be a risk factor for adverse birth outcomes.
Maternal Depression and Pregnancy Outcomes
The rate of pregnant individuals with a depression diagnosis at delivery increased seven times from 2000 to 2015. Learn what the Cooperative is doing to enhance postpartum depression services in South Jersey through the Postpartum Wellness Initiative for South Jersey.
Maintained by the New Jersey Department of Health, the Maternal Data Center provides recent maternal data, information about state services and resources and recommended readings. Click here to access Center.

Our Executive Director Helen Hannigan breaks down the 2021 Achievement Report

Listed below are links to state and national maternal and child health initiatives and agencies.
Advocates for Children of New Jersey
Advocates for Children of New Jersey influences policymakers to create better laws to protect the state's children. Their website includes Kids Count data and publications detailing child welfare laws.
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders NJ
The New Jersey Task Force on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASDs) and other Perinatal Addictions promotes awareness of the impact of exposure to alcohol and other substances on the developing fetus, identifies children and young adults with FASDs through screening and promotes coordinated life-long services and supports for those affected by prenatal exposure to alcohol and other substances.
New Jersey Department of Health
The New Jersey Department of Health provides information on state health programs, consumer reports and the latest facts about current health issues and emergencies within the state.
New Jersey Department of Human Services 2020-2021 Resources Directory
This resource directory identifies the various programs and services the Department of Human Services offers to New Jersey residents, caregivers and advocates.
New Jersey FamilyCare
NJ FamilyCare is the state-funded health insurance for low-income families. Their website discusses a range of healthcare issues from eligibility requirements to immigrant coverage and provides an online application form.
NJDOH Division of Family Health Services/Maternal & Child Health
This Department of Health website includes reports on maternal and child health data specific to New Jersey including breastfeeding, cesarean births and HIV in pregnancy.
Nurture NJ
Nurture NJ is a statewide awareness campaign that is committed to reducing infant and maternal mortality and morbidity and ensuring equity in care and outcomes for mothers and infants of all ethnic groups.
ShapingNJ, a program of the New Jersey Department of Health, uses community and policy initiatives to improve nutrition and lower obesity rates within the state. The program’s website offers toolkits with easy, actionable steps to promote nutrition in child care services, schools and the workplace and provides data on obesity rates statewide.
SIDS Center of New Jersey
The Rutgers Health Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Center of New Jersey (SCNJ) helps parents and families who have been affected by the death of a child from SIDS.
Tobacco-Free for a Healthy New Jersey
A clearinghouse website with resources for smoking cessation support, smoke-free communities and professional training and education.
Association of Women's Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses
The Association of Women's Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses is a 501(c)3 membership organization that promotes the health of women and newborns. Their website provides resources, tools and opportunities to provide the best care for your patients.
Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids
The Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids works to reduce tobacco use and advocates policy to protect kids from smoking. Their website includes detailed information on federal and state tobacco laws and current events.
Child Welfare League of America
Child Welfare League of America is a coalition of organizations working to protect children and vulnerable populations. Their website includes a Child Welfare Journals detailing welfare policies and national research on the topic.
Families USA
Families USA promotes healthcare for all Americans. Their website offers the latest information on insurance issues including Medicare, Medicaid and global health insurance.
Future of Children
Future of Children uses research to create and promote policy that protects and benefits children. FOC Journals detail current social and economic issues affecting our children including literacy challenges, children with disabilities, immigrant children health, etc.
It's Your Sex Life
Written by teens, for teens, this website uses video, blogs and social media to discuss sex, body image, unplanned pregnancy and much more.
March of Dimes
March of Dimes works to promote the health of babies by providing education and support to pregnant individuals and families. Their website offers advocacy tools and research data on infant health, birth defects and prematurity.
My Birth Matters
The California Health Care Foundation, California Maternal Quality Care Collaborative and Consumer Reports have partnered on the consumer education campaign My Birth Matters to educate mothers about the overuse of c-sections.
National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence
National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence offers information on recovery services, education on drugs and dependence and assistance for friends and family.
National Healthy Start Association
The National Healthy Start Association works to improve birth outcomes in communities of color. Their website offers information about the program and its national publications and newsletters.
National Perinatal Association
The National Perinatal Association website provides information for psychologists in the NICU and the FAN program and offers information on membership and upcoming conferences.
Power to Decide: The Campaign to Prevent Unplanned Pregnancy
This national campaign provides national and state data on teen and unplanned pregnancy rates.
Sex, Etc.
An MTV-run website promoting safe sex practices and pregnancy prevention with an anonymous forum for question and answer.
A program of Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies, Text4baby is a free text messaging service for pregnant individuals offering three personalized texts per week with information on prenatal care, nutrition, immunizations and more.
The Annie E. Casey Foundation
The Annie E. Casey Foundation promotes policies to help disadvantaged children. Their website offers information on current initiatives and their vast Knowledge Center provides resources for child reform laws.
Zero to Three (National Center for Infants, Toddlers, and Families)
Zero to Three advocates for policies promoting the health of infants and toddlers. This website includes a Public Policy Center that offers resources addressing federal policy and infant-toddler policy issues.
Search by zip code to find breastfeeding support and resources near you.
Alan Guttmacher Institute
The Alan Guttmacher Institute utilizes research and policy to spearhead reproductive health issues. This website provides data on a range of sexual health topics from abortion rates internationally to minors' access to prenatal care.
A resource of the National Institutes of Health, MedlinePlus provides in-depth drug and health information with updates and videos detailing symptoms, causes, treatment and prevention on a range of health topics.
National Center for Education in Maternal and Child Health
A clearinghouse for maternal and child health data, this website includes research on a range of issues from mental health in teens to prenatal health to nutrition.
National Library of Medicine-Health Services/Technology Assessment Texts
A free resource of full-text documents that provide health information on preventative medicine, tobacco dependence, protocols and more.
Office on Women's Health
This website discusses in detail women's health topics from A-Z and includes daily current event stories relating to women's health issues.
Sesame Street and Autism: See Amazing in All Children
A nationwide initiative aimed at communities with children ages 2 to 5. Developed with input from parents, people who serve the autism community and those with autism, See Amazing in
All Children offers families ways to overcome common challenges and simplify everyday activities. At the same time, the project fosters an affirming narrative around autism for all families and children.
Stillbirth Toolkit for Providers
Stillbirth presents a crisis for a family and their medical care team. Enacted in January 2014, New Jersey’s Autumn Joy Stillbirth Research and Dignity Act established hospital protocols for the care of grieving families. To help health care providers adhere to the law, the New Jersey Maternal and Child Health Consortiums created the Stillbirth Toolkit.
This collection of print-ready materials, articles and other references supports and assists professionals as they counsel families during the immediate postpartum period. A collaborative project of The Cooperative, Central Jersey Family Health Consortium and Partnership for Maternal and Child Health of Northern New Jersey, the Stillbirth Toolkit is available to all obstetrical staff and hospitals in New Jersey.
The toolkit is broken down into two sections. The first section contains educational materials for use with your staff. The second section has materials designed to meet the needs of your patients.
Click on the links in each section to download materials.
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Communicating with Grieving Families
This document contains the “Do’s and Don’ts” for what to say and do when interacting with families who have experienced a loss.
These regional, statewide and national resources offer parents assistance in the following areas: burial assistance, genetic counseling, pathology and bereavement support.
Additional Stillbirth and Perinatal Loss Resource Links
These are additional resources that you may find useful when treating a mother experiencing a loss. Some of these materials require a login to be accessed.
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Wishes for your Hospital and Birth Stay
This document guides parents as they discuss their wishes and plan for their birth experience with their partner/support person, family and healthcare provider.
This letter is a guide for parents in the first hours after learning of a baby's death. It advises them when they have questions about why their baby died, what tests can be done and whether they should consent to autopsy.
Postpartum Care After Stillbirth
This is a tip sheet for outpatient staff as they provide care and support after a stillbirth.
Separate from the Stillbirth Toolkit, health care providers treating families experiencing perinatal loss may also find The Cooperative's Postpartum Wellness Initiative for South Jersey useful. Postpartum Wellness Initiative for South Jersey offers assistance to healthcare providers treating mothers experiencing postpartum depression through a voluntary web-based screening process. The assessment, triage, referral and telephone support services are available to women who have experienced a live birth or perinatal loss. PWI also offers live professionally-facilitated group support as well as a 24/7 online peer support community in partnership with Smart Patients.